Bookplate from the Jewish Chautauqua Society of Cincinnati, Ohio, in a book copyrighted 1895, presented to Knox College. The motto printed on the bookplate reads, "Religious Freedom is the Life-Blood of Democracy."
This bookplate reads, "Books are provided by the people of the United States through the American Library Association for the use of the soldiers and sailors." The Library War Service was created in 1917 to provide library services to American…
Bookplate for the library of Henry Tatnall Brown, Jr. Henry Brown's bookplate may be a miniature autobiography: the three institutional seals at the bottom suggest that he attended the public schools of Philadelphia ("Good instruction is better than…
Bookplate for the library of A.S. Arnold. The bookplate is in a 1915 edition of Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology. The Latin text on the bookplate reads, "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES" (in this sign you will conquer).
Knox College library bookplate for the William F. Marlar Memorial Foundation, Inc., an educational foundation assisting scholars in the space sciences.